Theming ======= Theming package provides a solution for theme handling. Approach -------- - You can define one or more themes (with layouts and skins). - The Theming recognizes these definitions. - Provides selecting layouts, skins Background ++++++++++ You can reference the layout with '@layout_name' formula. The `Loader` resolve '@layout_name' and ensure proper layout html file. The context processor set `theming_layout` variable to base / selected layout. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: python TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'xadrpy.core.theming.loaders.Loader', #Be the first ... ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'xadrpy.core.theming.context_processors.theming', ... ) INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'xadrpy', ... 'xadrpy.core.theming', ... ) Theme definition ---------------- .. code-block:: python THEME = { # description elements 'title': "Title of the theme", 'description': 'Description of the theme. (Long plain text)', 'thumbnail': 'relative path in static directory of image - it will be resized', 'translation': { 'en': { #language code 'title': "Title of the theme for this language", 'description': 'Description of the theme. (Long plain text) for this language', 'thumbnail': 'relative path in static directory of image - it will be resized - for this language' }, 'hu': { #language code #Without title, thumbnail we use the main title 'description': '', #Disable description in this language }, }, # theme elements 'doctype': ['xhtml','xhtml-strict'], #list of doctypes 'static_path': "", #relative path in STATIC directories 'template_path': "", #relative path in TEMPLATES direcories, 'layouts': ( # you can leave blank (or don't give it) if you don't want to define layouts ("vehicle", { #The reference name of the layout "title": "", #you can give description elements - see "file: "", #template file relative path "rewrite": { #you can give some rewrites for this layout }, }), ), 'skins':( #you can leave empty if you don't want to define skins ("base", { #The reference name of the skin "title: "", #you can give description elements "styles": ( {"file": "style.css", "media": "all"}, {"file": "style2.css", "condition": "if IE"}, ) "scripts": ( "skin-scripts.js", #relative path for required js files ), "rewrite": { #you can give some rewrites for this skin - see layout rewrites }, }), ), 'base': "base.html", #base layout "rewrite":{ "page.html": "my-page.html", #you can give some redefinitions for templates } } Rewrite order: ++++++++++++++ - main rewrite - layout rewrite - skin rewrite Registering ----------- .. code-block:: python # in your from xadrpy.theming.libs import theme_store THEME = {... see above ...} theme_store.register(THEME) Using ----- The context processor set the selected (with route/page...) layout to `theming_layout` context var. You can redefine it from your views. .. code-block:: html {% extends "theming_layout" %} ... .. code-block:: html {% extends "@layout_name" %} ... or .. code-block:: python render_to_response("@layout_name", ...) ... but the best solution: define a base.html in your template root and it contains just one line: {% extends "theming_layout" %}. You can use proper "base.html".